Joined Lloyds Bank in Milnsbridge in 1957, subsequently moved to Leeds for a
management position, subsequently managed branches in Leeds, Sunderland and
Carlisle and retired in 1997 as Group Manager, Durham. Married since 1964,
daughter Sara is now married with 3 children and living in Aberdeen. Pass the
time with golf, gardening, allotment, fell walking and foreign holidays.
I am now studying A Levels at Greenhead College and attending a F.A. level at
the Galpharm Stadium. I have a weekend job at the Beaumont Arms.
Born in Farnley Tyas 29/02/28, product of the ‘The Gaffer’ Taylor Dyson and Co. Great Days. I remember Austin Holroyd (Siddon I believe?),
just my senior. Derek Ibbotson, a little later than me. Ex RAF, wireless fitter
(conscript). A complete change of career took me to Sheffield University,
graduated in 1957 (MBChB). Married a local girl from Thurstonland in 1956. Rest
of my life has been spent in South Yorkshire as a GP. Hopefully will reach 80
years next February, as a widower, in the company of two sons and six
grandchildren. My greatest school friend, Dr. GW Sykes sadly passed away last
year, after 40 years working in Canada.
After leaving school, I started work as a wages clerk at Hanson Haulage on Leeds
Road, Huddersfield. After 1 year of wages, accounts and dipping the diesel
tanks – no fancy fuel gauges here, I left for Kirklees MC as a wages clerk. At this
time I was studying Cost & Management Accountancy, but it was not for me. So a lucky break occurred and I
was offered a job working in IT. After starting as a junior programmer, I have
risen through the ranks to become Production Manager. My role now is non
technical, but developing IT strategies and being an active member of the IT
management team.
Queen Mary College, London University to gain degree in Civil Engineering
1944-1946. 1st year evacuated to Cambridge, Kings College, second year in
London. Joined Royal Engineers 1946, commissioned 1947, served in three railway
units in Germany until 1948. Glasgow University from 1948-1949, still civil
engineering. Joined family business Fred Lawton & Son Ltd late 1949, spinning woollen yarn. Married Jo in 1950. Studied wool
textiles at Huddersfield Technical College part-time to gain AT1 in 1951.
Became Managing Director of Fred Lawton ’s in 1954, Chairman in 1985. Moved three factories to Meltham Mills before
retiring in 1991. Spent most of retired years restoring and renovating a
country property in S.W. France where we now spend 5/6 months per year,
otherwise based in Ilkley. Two of our four children now live in Australia and
so have spent some winter months there for the last 14 years.
Having gained a scholarship to the University of Oxford, I chose to study
Philosophy, first as part of the Philosophy, Politics and Economics degree
programme, and subsequently in the Philosophy, Psychology and Physiology
Programme. I was then fortunate enough to take a position as Lecturer in
Philosophy at Queen's University in Canada. Since that time I have been a
Visting Fellow at Clare Hall in the University of Cambridge, and a Visting
Professor at the University of Padua in Italy. My area of specialisation
includes the fields of semantics and metaphysics, in which I have a number of
major publications. In 2006 I published Words without Objects with the
Clarendon Press of Oxford University. The book attempts to advance our
understanding of the difficult and theoretically important category of
matter.The education I received at King James's, particularly in physics and
mathematics, was invaluable for my future career.
Married for almost 20 years I have two sons and a very patient wife. I have
worked in scientific sales for 24 years and am also a humour author of three
books. Written In Jest (forward by Michael Palin), Wanted: One Freudian Slip,
Nothing To Complain About. I live in Huddersfield and spend any spare time
outside of work and family running, writing and gardening. When the occasion
presents itself I provide after dinner and motivational talks. I play the
guitar very, very badly and am now bald!
Articled clerk with Stanley Carr (Chartered Accountants) 1945 to 1950. Qualified
as a chartered accountant May 1951. National service in RAF 1951-1953.
Commenced employment as chief clerk with Smith Craven, Doncaster 1953, admitted
to Partnership 1st January 1962, became senior partner 6th April 1971. Retired
as partner both September 1989 and continued as consultant until December 1994.
Married Elizabeth Kipling 9th June 1956, celebrated Golden wedding 9th June
2006. Three daughters, three grandsons and one granddaughter. Joined OAS on
reformation after the war and will try to get to the 400th celebrations.
Having attempted, non too successfully, to burn down Jack Taylor’s new Biology laboratory, a career in the petroleum industry seemed appropriate.
I spent 35 years with BP, primarily working for various downstream
international marketing businesses. This took me all over the world including
postings to Hong Kong, New York, Hamburg, Singapore and Houston. My long
suffering wife, Elaine (of Greenhead) accompanied me and managed to bring up
our two boys during this time. They are now 28 and 26, both gainfully employed.
I retired 6 years ago and enjoy gardening and golf.
I am now Director Smart Card and Ticketing Strategies for MVA Consultancy
(www.mva-group.com) and continuing to pursue my transport interests for which I
was known at school. I have just helped Department for Transport conclude tests
that should allow smart cards for National Concessions to be rolled out to 9
million eligible over 60 and disabled persons by Spring 2008 by local
authorities. I married Ruth in 1983 and daughter Susie graduated in Music at
Salford last summer and son Richard has just started at Bristol studying
Computer Science.
In 1945, after leaving school I attended the Huddersfield School of Architecture
for three years before serving my National Service with the Royal Engineers as
an architectural draughtsman, following which I was employed by the
Huddersfield Education Architect. In 1953 I married Dorothy Shaw and in 1957,
we emigrated with our daughter to Canada, where I worked for numerous
architectural companies in Halifax, Nova Scotia. I became a property manager
with the Bank of Nova Scotia in N.S and Toronto, Ontario for some 13 years. In
due course I obtained a similar position with the federal government until
retirement in 1990. In addition to the above I had a mini career in music,
singing 2nd tenor with the Shantymen and other groups on the CBC. My singing
career started at the age of 7 at Moldgreen Parish Church, eventually becoming
a tenor in Woodhouse Parish Church. Eventually I became the tenor soloist at
two churches in Halifax, N.S. Unfortunately I attended school during the war
years when the G & S shows were suspended! I now reside some 15 miles outside Halifax N.S and have
four children (2 of each), 9 grandsons, 1 grand-daughter and 2
great-grandchildren (1 of each).
Joined Midland Bank Ltd, Holmfirth Branch September 1950 for two years. October
1952, National Service, firstly with Duke of Wellingtons Regiment, Halifax,
then early 1953 the parachute Regiment at Aldershot. In October 1954 returned
to Midland Bank and served in a number of branches in the Huddersfield area.
Then second officer at Oakhans, Accountant & Assistant Manager at Rugby, finally at Kingsthorpe, Northampton. Took early
voluntary retirement in January 1988. Qualifications – Associate Chartered Institute of Bankers, Member Chartered Managers Institute.
After school in 1938, worked in management at Jarmains wool mill at Kirkheaton
until early retirement in 1980. (Jarmains was founded in 1873 by the son of George Jarmain, sometime Chemistry
teacher at AGS in the 1850/60s). Served in the RAF, ground staff (radio) from
1941-1946, never leaving England! Also known, by subsequent scholars at AGS as
Harvey Nicholson ’s elder brother, Dartmouth Medal and Jessop Prize 1944, etc.
On leaving AGS I had to do my National Service and having been in the ATC at
School for 5 years I opted for the RAF and after initial training I was posted
to Germany - British Air Forces of Occuipation in early 1951 as a Clerk
Equipment Accounting with 402 Air Stores Park at RAF Altona in Hamburg. It was
here that my sense of call to the ministry of the Congregational Church
developed and I was demobbed six week early to be able to start my Arts course at Manchester University. Graduated B.A.(Theol) in 1955 and after
a further 2 years at Lancashire Independent College I was ordained at Leigh
Congregational Church in 1957. Married the same year to Myrtle Smith from
Nottingham. Anticipated that I would spend my ministry in Lancashire or
Yorkshire in working class areas but at the end of 1960 I was invited to come
to a Congregational Church in Hobart, Tasmania and have now lived in Australia
for the last 50 years, serving first the Congregational Churches and then the
Uniting Church in Australia when Methodist, Congregational and Presbyterian
churches united in 1977. I have had a very varied ministry. As well as Parish
work I have also had a period of full time church administration and a period
of 5 years responsible for the church's welfare programmes, and add to that 6
years with the RAF Specialist Reserve as an Air Force Padre. I have been
President of the Congregational Churches and Moderator of the Uniting Church.
My wife Myrtle died of cancer in 1994 the same year that I took an early
retirement. I have been the Chaplain for the RAAF Association in Western
Australia for the last 18 years. I remarried and my wife Eileen and I live on a
retirement estate established by the RAAFA in lovely Mandurah 50 miles south of
Perth. It's been good to get back on three occasions for the Annual Dinner but
I am so glad for the life and opportunity Australia has given me. I have lived
in 4 States of Australia and I wouldn't have changed anything. Hope to be back
in Huddersfield for my 80th birthday next year.
After the disappointment of discovering I was 2" too short to join the Police, I
kicked about doing various mundane Admin Jobs as my Careers Officer had
strongly hinted that I was a girl and I could type! 1 x marriage, 2 x sons
(Tom 19 and Alex 17) and 1 x divorce later, I'm now working as
Careers/Connexions PA seconded to the Huddersfield Youth Offending Team. I
moved from Lepton in 1984 and still live in Holmfirth. Still close with Dawn
Hepplestone and after 31 years of friendship we had our first holiday together
this year. Not entirely sure Portuguese got our humour though!
I left the school in '67 due to a family move to Gloucestershire and after GCE/A
Levels at Chipping Sodbury Grammar went to the Gloucestershire College of Art & Design, Cheltenham to study Fine Art. I then followed my idealist inclination
and joined the Art Teachers Diploma at Leicester Polytechnic and onto a career
in Teaching. I have taught in schools in Oxfordshire and Kent (Judd School
Tonbridge) and then to FE College in Sheffield for 10 years before joining
Bishop Grosseteste University College as Head of Art in 1995. This coincided
with my completing an MA Fine Art. I worked with some great colleagues here in
both art and education - and with an excellent Principal! However in 2006 I
moved again this time to Huddersfield - the University - where I teach on the
Contemporary Arts degree - oh yes and have started a Phd at Sheffield Hallam.
My daughter Rachel is Head of Dance at a school in Leeds having studied at
Bretton Hall, my son Jamie is at the Royal College of Art studying Fine Art,
and my son Henry is at New College Worcester and in Year 10 - he has always
wanted to be a paleontologist but has decided now it's zoology... I have now
been teaching for 36 years and enjoy both teaching and studying and although at
King James for a short time I have found that its resonances are inspirational!
Slipping rather gracelessly into later middle age, even though still married to
Jane. Still also making music, especially with violinist daughter number two.
Elder daughter reading Biology at university. In 33rd year of teaching.