Illuminated ‘J’ from the School Charter

This drawing by Roger Dowling of James I on his throne is taken from the School's royal charter and was subsequently used as a Christmas Card design.
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Earliest Crest

This curious version of the School crest first appeared in the first issue of The Almondburian in Januiary 1886. The artist is unknown.
Early school crest

This early version of the School crest graced the front page of pre-war editions of The Almondburian. The original design dates back to before 1700 (it appears on the School statutes) and features the three fleur de lys of France - of which James I claimed to be King.  
Later school crest

This later version of the School crest first appeared around 1945. The crest carried the incorrect date 1609; note also the incorrect wording ‘YE GRAMAR SCHOLE OF KINGE JAMES IN ALLMONBURY’. The original artwork was by Art master Edward Akroyd.
Present school crest

The School Charter was re-discovered in 1952, revealing the correct Charter date of 1608. At the same time as the date on the crest was corrected, the wording was corrected to bring it into line with the wording on the Charter: ‘THE FREE GRAM'AR SCHOLE OF KINGE JAMES IN ALMONBURY’. The revised lettering was by Roger Dowling.